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Free Guest Analysis: Gold, Silver, Crude Oil, Stocks & Forex

Below you will find guest articles on investing and trading. Please note that the opinions included below don't represent the opinions of our company or any of its employees - they are only opinions of the respective authors. If you'd like to check out our premium analyses, please take a few seconds to sign up for our free 7-day trial today.

  • Has Gold Just Broken Out of Its Trend Channel and What Does This Mean To You?

    November 20, 2009, 12:00 PM

    This week's essay includes the analysis of gold from the short-term point of view, and the analysis of the USD Index (including short- and long-term charts). Additionally, the correlation between PMs and the U.S. Dollar weakened in the past few weeks, so I also comment on the implications that this may have on the prices of metals in the future.

  • Silver Cycles, Silver-to-Gold Ratio, and the USD Index Analysis

    November 17, 2009, 12:00 PM

    In the last several days I received many letters, in which Readers commented on my analysis of the seasonality on the silver market (thank you), so I decided to provide you with more detailed analysis of silver in the following essay.

  • Is The Local Top in the Precious Metals Stocks Already Behind Us?

    November 13, 2009, 12:00 PM

    This week's free essay is dedicated to precious metals stocks - I analyze this important sector not only by applying technical analysis to its short-term chart, but also the Gold Bullish Percent Miners Index, relative performance of PM stocks to other equities, and our own unique indicator from the Premium Charts section. Additionally, I’ve been recently asked about the correlation between the general stock market and PM stocks - can it ever be broken and what may cause this to take place - this week's essay includes my view also on this topic.

  • Will Silver Outperform Immediately or Will We Need to Wait a Little Longer?

    November 11, 2009, 12:00 PM

    Gold is moving higher and new highs are being achieved on a daily basis. Yet, silver it not above its previous highs, so what does this divergence mean to precious metals investors? As you probably know, in my previous essays I have emphasized that silver is likely to outperform gold in the future. In this essay I comment on what may cause silver's rally or plunge and how likely either of them is in my view.

  • Dollar Tops, while PM Stocks Bottom: There's More to Seasonality Than Summer Doldrums

    November 6, 2009, 12:00 PM

    The seasonality on the precious metals market is much more than just the summer doldrums phenomenon, corresponds to consolidation in PMs during summer months. The seasonal tendencies are present in many markets, and they often helpful in timing the key turning points. That was the case recently in case of silver, USD Index, and precious metals stocks. This essay features the situation in the last two markets with the emphasis on the likelihood of the plunge in PM stocks because of the emerging head-and-shoulders pattern.

  • The U.S. Dollar at the Crossroad - Is Gold's Rise Poised to End?

    November 3, 2009, 12:00 PM

    The U.S. Dollar, the currency in precious metals are priced in, is standing at a crossroad today. The possibility of breakout to the upside has grown in the past week, but the trend still remains down. So, what are the implications for the precious metals? Apart from the analysis of USD and gold charts, this essay includes our comments on the situation in the Commitment of Traders report for the U.S. Dollar.

  • Gold Stocks Slide as USD Index Strengthens - Should You Be Concerned?

    October 30, 2009, 12:00 PM

    Precious metals stocks have been hit particularly strong in the past several days, so this week I would like to cover the situation in this important sector, and let you know what are the likely price levels at which the bottom might be put. Moreover, this essay features the SP Gold Stock Bottom Indicator that is a remarkable tool in timing medium-term buying opportunities. Other things analyzed in this week's essay include the seasonal patterns in the precious metals stocks and detailed analysis of the Gold Miners Bullish Percent Index.

  • Gold Declines and USD Rises, But Are These Moves Really Significant?

    October 27, 2009, 12:00 PM

    Precious metals moved lower this week, which was accompanied by a decline in the general stock market and a small rally in the USD Index. The situation in the main stock indices is still rather unclear, so this week I would like to point your attention to the U.S. Dollar as it provides clues invaluable to anyone involved in the precious metals sector.

  • Is Gold Overvalued to Crude Oil? Long- and Short-Term Analysis of Gold

    October 23, 2009, 12:00 PM

    Gold has been trading sideways this week, but does that mean that the consolidation is over or is a local top yet to come? This week we provide you with a detailed short-term chart of gold, which should prove useful in your trading strategies. Long-term investors will find the other part of the essay particularly useful, as we comment on the link between gold and crude oil.

  • Is the Junior Stock Sector Dead or Are These Companies Set to Outperform Once Again?

    October 19, 2009, 12:00 PM

    There are several juniors that are moving rapidly higher, but on average the junior sector has been lagging metals and big, senior stocks. Are the juniors set to shine once again, or should investors dump these stocks and switch to better performing asset classes? In addition to presenting our view on that topic, we provide you with an analysis of one of the most important markets influencing the precious metals sector - the U.S. Dollar.

  • Breakout or Fakeout? The Analysis of Gold in Currencies Other Than USD

    October 16, 2009, 12:00 PM

    Gold has decisively broken above the $1,000 level and there is no doubt that this profound action has important implications for gold and silver investors and speculators. However, gold has not broken into new highs in other crucial currencies. How does this fact affect the existence of the bull market and most of all - how does it affect you? Additionally, I analyze the precious metals stocks i.a. by using the Gold Miners Bullish Percent Index.

  • Protecting Yourself From Inflation With Precious Metals... Funds?

    October 13, 2009, 12:00 PM

    There are many ways to protect yourself from rising inflation / decrease in the value of the U.S. Dollar, but not all of them are really useful. In this essay, I comment on a few ways of doing so with emphasis on the precious metals funds (ETFs, ETNs, and mutual funds). Additionally, I analyze the current situation in the PM stock sector.

  • Gold - Is This a Top or Does This "Lousy Investment" Have a Long Way to Go?

    October 9, 2009, 12:00 PM

    This week gold moved decisively above the $1,000 barrier, and there is no doubt that this is a significant development in the precious metals market. This week I focus on how high this rally is likely to take gold, and whether this coming top is going to be a major one or just a step in a much bigger rally.

  • Quick Consolidation or Serious Breakdown in the Precious Metals?

    October 4, 2009, 12:00 PM

    The general stock market broke below its support level, while USD Index stopped at its multi-month resistance line. Given such mixed signals, precious metals wait for a decisive move from either of the abovementioned markets. What's next for gold and gold stocks? This week we answer this question not only by analyzing the popular charts available publicly, but by commenting on one of our unique indicators.

  • Silver and Gold: Is the 2009 Top Already In or Was That Just a Local Top?

    September 26, 2009, 12:00 PM

    This week we have seen gold and silver move lower, just like I mentioned a week ago. Gold closed the week below $1000, and silver topped exactly in tune with the cycles that I mentioned in the previous essay. Where do we go from here and how fast? One of the charts featured this week suggests HUI above 800.

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