gold trading, silver trading - daily alerts


December 20, 2010, 12:00 PM

Time is a factor here, so this message is going to be short. In the previous Premium Updates and messages that we've sent to you we wrote that we will need to wait for additional signal in form of a daily upswing on low volume, before we could suggest that a move lower would be worth betting on. While today's session is not over yet, we are very close to this point, and it seems that the volume accompanying today's move higher will be indeed very small. That is somewhat the case with silver, true for gold and definitely true for the mining stocks (taking the GDX ETF into account, and also by checking many precious metals stocks individually), so the decline from here appears more likely that it was the case in the previous week.

Consequently, we believe that opening a small speculative short position in gold and gold stocks might be a good idea. The situation in silver and silver stocks is less clear so a short position here should be opened only by the most risk-tolerant Traders. For most Traders, it appears to be best to bet on lower gold and gold stocks' values in the following days.

We will be monitoring the market particularly closely tomorrow - if the market moves lower but it takes place again on a tiny volume than it will mean that the short position should be closed. A move lower on huge volume would suggest that further declines are likely.

As always, we will keep you updated, should anything change. The next Premium Update is scheduled for Wednesday, Dec 22nd, and among other things it's going to include the graphical representation of the points made above.

The above comments regard the speculative part of your capital; we do not suggest selling your long-term gold and silver investments.

Thank you for using the Premium Service.

Sincerely, Przemyslaw Radomski

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