Please note that due to market volatility, some of the key levels may have already been reached and scenarios played out.
Regarding risk management, it is always best to define your strategy according to your own risk profile. For some guidance on trade management, read one of my articles on that topic.
Did you miss my last article about biofuels to diversify your portfolio? No problem, you can have a look at my selection through the dynamic stock watchlist.
Are you interested in geopolitics? I published an alternative reading of the Ukrainian crisis.
Following the high volatility in prices yesterday and the drop in Nat Gas that stopped us over warming weather forecast and returning supply, today I provide a new entry.
New trade on NYMEX Henry Hub Natural Gas:
- Long around 3.846-3.886 (yellow band);
- Stop just below 3.629 (red dotted line/previous swing low);
- Targets at 4.442 and 4.818 (green dotted lines).
Henry Hub Natural Gas (NGH22) Futures (Nymex, March contract, daily chart)
That’s all folks for today – happy trading!
As always, we’ll keep you, our subscribers well informed.
Thank you.
Sebastien Bischeri
Oil & Gas Trading Strategist