Stock Trading Alert: New Downtrend Or Just Profit Taking Before Another Leg Up?
December 2, 2016, 6:58 AMS&P 500 index continued its short-term decline yesterday, as technology stocks weighed negatively on broad stock market. Is this a new downtrend or just downward correction before another leg up?
Stock Trading Alert: Short-Term Uncertainty As Stocks Hover Along Record Highs
December 1, 2016, 6:55 AMS&P 500 index retraced some of its recent move up yesterday, as the technology stocks sold off. Is this a topping action or just consolidation before another leg up? Is holding short position still justified?
Stock Trading Alert: Topping Action Or Just Pause Before Another Leg Up?
November 30, 2016, 6:56 AMS&P 500 index extends its short-term uncertainty following recent rally. Is this a topping pattern or just flat correction before another leg up? Is holding short position still justified?
Stock Trading Alert: Uncertainty Following Recent Run-Up, As Stocks Fluctuate Along Record Highs
November 29, 2016, 6:54 AMS&P 500 index fluctuates following recent rally. Will the uptrend continue? Or is this some topping pattern before downward reversal?
Stock Trading Alert: New Record Highs, Will The Uptrend Continue?
November 28, 2016, 6:53 AMS&P 500 index extended its uptrend on Friday. Will it continue higher? Or is this some topping pattern before a downward reversal? Is holding short position still justified?
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