Stock Trading Alert: Indexes sold off sharply as investors panicked about debt crisis
October 9, 2013, 6:56 AMStocks continue their recent downtrend. S&P 500 well below its May high.
Stock Trading Alert: Indexes fell sharply as investors feared debt crisis
October 8, 2013, 4:04 PMStocks continue their bearish trend. S&P 500 lowest since early September.
Stock Trading Alert: Stocks sharply lower as debt crisis fears increase
October 8, 2013, 1:45 PMIndexes break below their recent consolidation, confirming bearish scenario in the short-term. S&P 500 continues its late September downtrend.
Stock Trading Alert: Stocks fall as uncertainty prevails
October 8, 2013, 10:15 AMIndexes lose 0.2-0.4% in a slight continuation of yesterday’s move down. Will the S&P 500 break below its recent lows?
Stock Trading Alert: Indexes continue to consolidate
October 8, 2013, 6:51 AMStill with no clear direction as investors await the outcome of stalled budget crisis. Low volatility ahead of quarterly earnings season.
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