The Currencies Just Served Us These Promising Opportunities...
July 12, 2019, 10:50 AMThe aftermath of the rich Wednesday session got the forex world going, and we saw some strong moves that didn't last till the closing bell yesterday. Such action leaves us with pretty important signs that are hard to ignore. And even harder not to act on. So, where exactly are the new trading positions we just jumped at?
Powell's Testimony Sends USD Lower. What Does It Mean For Us?
July 10, 2019, 10:14 AMThe Fed Chair spoke and the markets have moved, including the currencies. While it's easy to get carried away by the daily moves so far, cool heads prevail as they ask themselves what has changed and what has not. So, let's take a look together at what changes to our open positions are warranted.
Another Great and Profitable Day in the Currencies!
July 9, 2019, 9:51 AMA new day, a new opportunity to cash some nice profits. It's hard to choose where to look first - our situation is that favorable. Time to examine the charts, and decide where to lock in some profits, and where to let them run. Let's dive in to the details. They are rich indeed.
Time to Lock In Some Profits After Friday's Employment Surprise
July 8, 2019, 9:41 AMTraders are back at their desks, and the start of the week has brought us some continuation of Friday's violent moves. More precisely, meek attempts at reversing some of those moves. Below, we'll take a look at these countermoves' chances throughout several key pairs. Such an examination has yielded a fresh short candidate. Let's see what it all means to our trading positions - high time to adjust one of the profitable two.
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