Trade and Portfolio Management: What Being Nimble Is All About
February 14, 2019, 8:58 AMThe euro reversed sharply lower and the pressure is building within other monitored pairs, too. Being nimble means to thoroughly evaluate the developments and take measured action when the odds favor doing so. It can also mean opening a new trade. Take a look at how what we are talking about translates into action exactly.
Trade Management: Reevaluations vs. Staying the Course
February 13, 2019, 10:22 AMWhen managing any trade, one must be nimble and consider the most recent action. The question is: does it make us reevaluate the open trade or should we keep our position unchanged? Please join us in carefully assessing the situation and the action(s) to take.
Trade Management Lessons: On Ringing the Cashier’s Bell
February 12, 2019, 9:03 AMOur pairs with open positions moved like clockwork yesterday. And not only the Australian dollar, where we took some profits off the table a few trading days ago. It’s wise to ring the cashier’s bell when the markets offer us profits. And it‘s even better to do so in a well-justified chart position. Let‘s take a look what we mean by that.
A New Week, A New Day – A New Piece of Information
February 11, 2019, 9:46 AMThe week is over, and a new one starts. The weekly pairs’ closes provide us with more clues to manage the trade(s) using most up-to-date information. Sensible and careful trading doesn’t end with getting the entry point right and remaining glued to the screen till some predetermined target is hit. So, what are we to do?
The Declines, the Tremors and Trade Management
February 8, 2019, 10:43 AMWe have seen some nice runs with respect to our open positions. Trade management is about patience and careful analysis of the most recent action. It results in an informed decision to either stay the course or adjust the current position. What kind of action do the odds favor right now?
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