gold trading, silver trading - daily alerts

gold trading, silver trading

Gold Trading - Alerts

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If you're interested in gold trading or silver trading and would like to see how we apply our gold trading tips in practice, you've come to the right place. The Gold & Silver Trading Alerts are the daily alert service provided by Przemyslaw Radomski, CFA that deals directly with the latest developments on the precious metals market. The situation is analyzed from long-, medium-, and short-term perspectives and topics covered go well beyond the world of precious metals themselves, ranging from the analysis of currencies, stocks, ratios, as well as using proprietary trading tools. Subscribers also receive intra-day follow-ups in case the market situation requires it. 1-2 alerts per week are posted also in our Articles section, so you can review these real-time samples before you subscribe.

Whether you already subscribed or not, we encourage you to find out how to make the most of our alerts and read our replies to the most common alert-and-gold-trading-related-questions.


    April 28, 2011, 12:00 PM

    Market Alert sent on April 28th 2011


    April 25, 2011, 12:00 PM

    Market Alert sent on April 25th 2011


    April 22, 2011, 12:00 PM

    Now that gold futures have reached the psychologically important $1,500 level, some are wondering if gold's trajectory will continue or slow down. This week the U.S.’s perfect credit rating was downgraded and one of the largest college endowment funds ploughed its money into physical gold.

    While gold's $1,500 level is big news, it's nothing compared to silver's recent performance and the fact that it's quickly approaching its 1980 high! The single most important thing that we feature this week is a huge (over 1500x1100 resolution), detailed silver chart with in-depth analysis and - yes - targets for both upside (how high is silver likely to go?) and downside (how low will it fall once the top is in?) for the white metal.

    Among many other things, we covered the situation in the silver:gold ratio and we deal with gold stocks' weak performance relative to gold itself. Naturally, we comment on the recent breakout in the Euro Index and lack thereof in the US Dollar.


    April 15, 2011, 12:00 PM

    With soaring gold and silver prices it seems that the most important question in everyone's mind is how far can gold and silver go. This is precisely what we deal with in this week's report as we include not only the major targets for both metals but also the also the short-term ones that Traders should keep in mind.

    The target for the silver:gold ratio is also one of the key things to keep in mind given the current market juncture. The analysis of the silver:oil ratio provides additional details. As always, the report includes our suggestions for your long-term investment capital as well as for its speculative part.


    April 8, 2011, 12:00 PM

    The full version of today's analysis will be posted later today.

Gold Alerts

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