gold trading, silver trading - daily alerts

gold trading, silver trading

Gold Trading - Alerts

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If you're interested in gold trading or silver trading and would like to see how we apply our gold trading tips in practice, you've come to the right place. The Gold & Silver Trading Alerts are the daily alert service provided by Przemyslaw Radomski, CFA that deals directly with the latest developments on the precious metals market. The situation is analyzed from long-, medium-, and short-term perspectives and topics covered go well beyond the world of precious metals themselves, ranging from the analysis of currencies, stocks, ratios, as well as using proprietary trading tools. Subscribers also receive intra-day follow-ups in case the market situation requires it. 1-2 alerts per week are posted also in our Articles section, so you can review these real-time samples before you subscribe.

Whether you already subscribed or not, we encourage you to find out how to make the most of our alerts and read our replies to the most common alert-and-gold-trading-related-questions.


    December 1, 2010, 12:00 PM

    The Greek philosopher Diogenes as early as the 4th century BC called money the politicians' game of dice. It seems like he hit it on the nail and that not much has changed since then. Fiat money requires faith, which seems to be rapidly evaporating, especially when it comes to the euro and dollar. That bodes well for the future of gold.

    Gold is going up even though the USD Index is rallying - how is this possible if gold is priced in the dollar? In this week's update we comment on the current situation in the Euro and USD Indices and explain its implications for Gold Investors and short-term Traders.

    6 of the 22 charts featured this week are dedicated to gold to make sure you are up-to-date with the most recent patterns and trading signals. Among many other things, we've covered the Dow Jones Transportation Index (which does not trade in tune with most of the indices) and precious metals stocks' performance relative to all other stocks, as it provides us with additional insight.

    Finally, one of the SP indicators has just flashed a signal, so we comment on its consequences as well.


    November 30, 2010, 12:00 PM

    Message sent on November 30th, 2010


    November 24, 2010, 12:00 PM

    Message sent on November 24th, 2010


    November 19, 2010, 12:00 PM

    Europe’s fiscal troubles are growing with the luck of the Irish running out, the Fed’s on the defensive and there is no international political will to cooperate to rectify trade and currency imbalances. All those things are good for gold. What else is good for gold? New figures of gold consumption from India show gold demand in India has increased at an average rate of 13% per year, outpacing the country’s real GDP, inflation and population growth.

    With 7 gold charts, we might have called this week's report the Golden Update, instead of a Premium one. All of this ensures that the situation is analyzed thoroughly, and you are up-to-date with the most probable scenario for the following days/weeks. Naturally, we provide also 3 silver and 3 mining stocks charts, which are accompanied this week by additional charts related to the USD and Euro Indices (2 charts) and stocks (3 charts) as well as our improved correlation matrix. Moreover, we include and comment on one of our unique indicators, which has just flashed a signal.

    As the influence of the Fed’s QE2 move continues to impact world markets and new countries surface with crisis situations, we continue to see more surprises and opportunities for wise Investors and Traders to profit if positioned properly. Once again, we will continue to sort it all out for our Subscribers.


    November 16, 2010, 12:00 PM

    Market Alert sent on November 16th 2010

Gold Alerts

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