gold trading, silver trading - daily alerts

gold trading, silver trading

Gold Trading - Alerts

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If you're interested in gold trading or silver trading and would like to see how we apply our gold trading tips in practice, you've come to the right place. The Gold & Silver Trading Alerts are the daily alert service provided by Przemyslaw Radomski, CFA that deals directly with the latest developments on the precious metals market. The situation is analyzed from long-, medium-, and short-term perspectives and topics covered go well beyond the world of precious metals themselves, ranging from the analysis of currencies, stocks, ratios, as well as using proprietary trading tools. Subscribers also receive intra-day follow-ups in case the market situation requires it. 1-2 alerts per week are posted also in our Articles section, so you can review these real-time samples before you subscribe.

Whether you already subscribed or not, we encourage you to find out how to make the most of our alerts and read our replies to the most common alert-and-gold-trading-related-questions.

  • Premium Update

    August 1, 2012, 12:00 PM

    Silver rallied recently and so did the Euro Index. Are these game-changers? Silver's cyclical nature helps to put the current move higher into perspective and the same can be said about this week's chart analysis and Mario Draghi's recent comments about doing everything to protect the euro.

    Stocks rallied significantly in the past week - in today's Premium Update we explain if the situation is now bullish and what can we expect from precious metals based on this development. 

    As always, we extensively cover: gold, silver and mining stocks markets. While we usually don't cover individual stocks, this time one of the miners provides us with timing details so we included it in today's report.

  • Market Alert

    July 30, 2012, 12:00 PM

    Market Alert sent on July 30th, 2012

  • Premium Update

    July 27, 2012, 12:00 PM

    Gold rallied strongly even though dollar declined modestly on Wednesday and it rallied quite insignificantly despite dollar's big one-day decline on Thursday. Should you - the precious metals investor - be concerned with this perplexing action? Since the situation in the USD Index is the key factor for gold's, silver's and - especially - mining stocks moves, we elaborate on this important issue in today's Premium Update. We initially commented on it in this week's Market Alert, but today we cover it in much greater detail.

    Today's Premium Update includes 2 price targets for gold, 2 price targets for silver and 2 price targets for the HUI Index (and corresponding GDX levels) and all of them are supported by appropriate charts. In fact, the cyclical nature of the silver market is something that allows us to draw conclusions that at first sight appear counter-intuitive. We also comment on our in-house developed indicators that flashed buy signals for precious metals this week and we focus on the "will the rally last?" question. Additionally, we comment on the recent developments on the crude oil market (the situation has become clearer this week).

  • Market Alert

    July 25, 2012, 12:00 PM

    Market Alert sent on July 25th, 2012

  • Premium Update

    July 20, 2012, 12:00 PM

    Gold, silver and mining stocks didn't do much this week (ok, miners declined a bit once again) and at the first sight, nothing's going on in the precious metals market. However, there's a lot going on in the part of the market that is hidden from most market participants. Most investors take a glimpse on the gold chart and look away discouraged. We look at multiple charts that surround and impact the gold market and this is where the critical details are. 

    The key factor for gold, silver and mining stocks is currently the USD Index. The dollar didn't do much this week - it didn't manage to move above its June high. Whether rally is over or not will have profound implications for gold and silver investors, so we analyze the situation closely. Many other important factors were also analyzed and over 20 of them are featured in today's Premium Update. Among other interesting charts, we analyzed the following: Crude Oil, gold seen from the non-USD perspective, gold seen from the yen perspective, Dow to gold ratio, gold to bonds ratio, silver to gold ratio, miners to gold ratio, one of our in-house developed indicators and FCX chart - the latter has rallied significantly and it seems this has some important implications for mining stock traders.

    Today's Premium Update includes our targets for the HUI Index and the GDX ETF along with our comments on when they can be reached.

Gold Alerts

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